10 Surprising facts about AK-47 Which you will not know before || Military world

  10 Surprising facts about AK-47

10 Surprising facts about AK-47 Which you will not know before

AK 47 is the most used weapon in the world. Some countries have also used a specific form of AK - 47 in their flag.
Where 106 countries of the world widely use this rifle. The same AK-47 is also a symbol of naval Cossacks, rebels and terrorists. So today we will tell about some facts of AK-47 which few people know.
Let's get started.

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AK-47 is an acronym of automatic Kalashnikov. A for automatic and K for Kalashnikov, named after its founder Mikhail Kalashnikov. While 47 represents the year it was invented - i.e. 1947.

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It is difficult to accurately estimate how many AK-47s there are in the world. Because many countries are making it. But according to a conservative estimate, there are 75 to 100 million AK-47s in the world at the moment. That is, if we compare it with the population of the world, there is one AK-47 for every 60 people.

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If we talk about the price of 1K47, in many parts of the world it can be found up to 10 dollars. But in most places, it can be found from 100 to 300 dollars.

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Interestingly, Russia, which manufactured this rifle, is no longer manufacturing it. But 20 countries of the world are making it. China is the first among them which  are the biggest producer of AK-47.

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The AK-47 has dozens of versions and names. But they all have the same design.

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The AK-47 is also the deadliest weapon ever produced, killing more than 200,000 people every year.

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AK 47 is the most used weapon in the world. Many countries make it.

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One Columbian artist. César Lopes't, who also converted this weapon into a guitar and gifted it to the UN Secretary General.

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In 2003, the US Army in Iraq recovered several gold-plated AK-47s from Saddam's treasures. It is not known how many there were and no one knows where they are now.

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The founder of this rifle, Mikhail Kalashnikov, was an engineer in the Russian Army. And continue to serve in the T-34 tank unit. He designed not only the AK 47, but also the AKM, AK 64, AK 101 or 102, AK 103 or 102, AK 105, AK 12, and PK or PKM machine guns. .

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