How powerful is M110 howitzer self propelled gun ? - Military world

How powerful is the M110 howitzer self-propelled gun? 

How powerful is M110 howitzer self propelled gun ?

How powerful are the self-propelled M110 Howitzer guns used by Pakistan and other countries, so today we will tell about them in full detail?

So let's start.

The M110 Howitzer is a self-propelled artillery system developed by the United States. In which an m115203- mm gun is installed. Which is widely used by US Army. The purpose of this gun is to use for counter-battery which is also known as counterfire. It is also used to destroy the indirect elements of the enemy. This includes guns, rocket launchers, artillery, and mortars. Apart from this, they are also used to destroy the air defense of the enemy. This system has fought various wars so far. Which includes Yom Kanpur War, Iran-Iraq War, Lebanon War, and Gulf War.


Weight: 28.3 Matric Ton
Crew Members:13 including drivers gunners and supporters.
Armor: mm 13 
Rounds Fire: 2,3 per/minute
Operational Range: 16 km to 23 km - These guns can fire different rounds. These include high explosive rounds and chemical shells like M426.

The special thing about this gun is that it can fire nuclear shells including W79 nuclear shells and W33 nuclear shells.
Perhaps this is the reason why Pakistan and other 9 countries including Turkey and Iran are using this gun.

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