Pakistan ssg commando and India Para commando - which commando is more powerful ? - military world

 Pakistan ssg commando and India Para commando

Pakistan ssg commando and India Para commando - which commando is more powerful ?

Commandos are very strict no matter which country they belong to. Because a commando is trained very hard. And doing this training is not just for an ordinary soldier. Where a commando force is powerful, there are also commando forces that are very powerful. Who are given more training than the training of other countries. So today we will talk about the training of Pakistan SSG Commando and Para Commando. And we will see which country's commandos undergo more rigorous training. And which commando force is more powerful.

So let's begin.

SSG Commando: 

The full name of SSG is Special Service Group and it was formed on 23 March 1956 as a battalion. And it was based on the style of the US Army's Special Forces. Now this SSG commando unit works under Pakistan's Strategic Force Command. Most of the commandos of this force are directly posted in separate departments of ISI after retirement. Most of the operations of this unit are secret.

The training of SSG is as strict as the special forces of other countries. Due to which the selection criteria are quite strict. In the first stage, they are sent to Peshawar for parachute jumping after a complete medical check-up. Where they jump from a great height. And these jumps have to be done eight times in a day, in which five jumps have to be done in the morning and three jumps in the evening. Apart from this, an SSG commando has to spend many hours in the water of the dam with his hands tied.

After all these trainings, their weapons are trained. In which SSG commandos operate every weapon used by Pakistan Army.

In a mission where food or water is not available, in case of thirst, drinking the blood of chicken or any other halal animal, in case of hunger, eating raw meat of snake or frog, these are also part of their training.

PARA Commando:

The Para Force was created in 1966 and this commando force was modeled after the British Army. If Para commando training is compared with SSG commando training then Para commando training period is much longer than SSG training period. The duration of which is about three and a half years.
The first part of Para commando training is high jump. In which about fifty jumps have to be done in a commando.
If we talk about his physical training, then the physical training of Para Commando is much less than that of SSG Commando. In which they have to march on foot for 20 kilometers with all the military equipment. While SSG commandos march on foot is 66 km.
After physical training, they are trained to use weapons. In which the Para commandos have to operate all types of weapons used by the Indian Army.
Apart from this, Para Commando is also given the name of Lethal force.


Now if we talk about their complete physical training then SSG commandos are physically more powerful.
If we talk about weapons, Para commandos are better than SSG commandos in this respect. But one thing that separates the SSG commandos from all other forces of the country is the mental stability of the SSG commandos. Which includes mental and physical torture. Hence suicide rate among these SSG commandos is zero.

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