China New World's Longest range Surface to Air Missile

Longest Range Surface To Air Missile

Today, we will tell you about a surface-to-air missile from China that can prove to be very dangerous for all countries. But before we proceed, let's understand first what a surface-to-air missile system is and how it works.

What is Surface to Air missiles ?

Surface-to-air missiles (SAMs) are a type of guided missile specifically designed to be launched from the ground to intercept and destroy airborne targets such as aircraft, helicopters, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), and even ballistic missiles. They are a critical component of modern air defense systems, providing protection against aerial threats to military installations, cities, and other strategic assets.

How To Surface to Air missile works ?

Lets Talk about in details
  1. Detection and Target Acquisition:

  2. The first step in engaging an airborne target is to detect and track it. This is usually accomplished using a combination of radar systems, including ground-based surveillance radars and target-tracking radars mounted on the missile launcher. These radars continuously scan the airspace to detect incoming threats and provide information on their position, speed, and trajectory.

  3. Target Identification:

  4. Once a potential threat is detected, the radar systems work to identify the target and distinguish it from friendly aircraft or other objects. This may involve analyzing the radar signature, size, speed, and flight characteristics of the target to determine its type and intent.

  5. Launch Preparation:

  6. After the target is identified, the missile launcher system prepares to engage the threat. This involves aligning the launcher and missile in the direction of the target and ensuring that the missile's guidance system is calibrated and ready for launch.

  7. Launch:

  8. When the target is within range and the launch parameters are met, the missile is fired from the launcher. Surface-to-air missiles can be launched from various platforms, including stationary launchers on the ground, mobile launch vehicles, and naval vessels.

  9. Mid-course Guidance:

  10. After launch, the missile enters its mid-course phase, during which it relies on its onboard guidance system to navigate toward the predicted intercept point. This guidance system may use inertial navigation, radio command guidance, or semi-active radar homing to steer the missile toward the target.

  11. Terminal Guidance:

  12. As the missile approaches the target, it enters the terminal phase, where it switches to a more accurate guidance mode for the final intercept. This typically involves using an active radar seeker or infrared seeker to track the target and adjust its trajectory to ensure a direct hit.

  13. Intercept and Destruction:

  14. Upon reaching the vicinity of the target, the missile's warhead detonates, generating a lethal blast radius that destroys or disables the target aircraft. Some SAMs use proximity fuzes to detonate the warhead near the target, increasing the probability of a successful intercept.

  15. Post-launch Assessment:

  16. After the engagement is complete, the air defense system evaluates the effectiveness of the interception and may continue to track any remaining threats in the area.

  17. Overall, surface-to-air missiles play a crucial role in modern air defense by providing a layered defense capability against airborne threats, including enemy aircraft, missiles, and other aerial platforms. Their ability to detect, track, and engage targets at long ranges makes them a formidable deterrent and essential component of national security strategies.

Now we will learn about China's new longest and deadliest surface-to-air missile.

 Lets Begin  

Researchers in China have claimed that China has developed a surface-to-air missile with a range of 2000 kilometers and hyper-sonic speed. This claim by China is significant because, until now, all surface-to-air missiles have had a range of no more than 600 kilometers. The latest Russian S-500 has a range of 600 kilometers. China's own HQ-9 has a range of 200 kilometers. This means that so far, all air defense systems have had a range of no more than 500 or 600 kilometers. More detailed information about this missile from China has not been provided, nor has any picture of it been revealed yet. However, it is said that the design parameters of this missile include China's hyper-sonic glide vehicle, the "Fetyan 1" hyper-sonic vehicle, which was tested two years ago. Researchers say that this missile will be guided in real-time through a satellite. And this real-time guidance will continue until the missile approaches its target and detonates its warhead. This is also a new development that the missile receives real-time guidance. Previously, real-time guidance was not present in any missile, meaning that China can control its missile until the final stage of sensor activation. This breakthrough technology can also be achieved by China because China's Jilin-1 hyper-spectral satellite is capable of performing this task, meaning that this satellite can provide real-time data and has already proven this by publishing real-time footage of America's latest aircraft, the F-22, in flight. If China's claim of a 2000-kilometer surface-to-air missile is true, it will pose a significant challenge for opposing countries because this SAM missile system can not only target other fighter aircraft but also pose a threat to long-range bombers, fuel tankers, and early warning aircraft, destroying them from a great distance.

Apart from this, as soon as China provides further details, we will update you here. We hope you find this information useful.

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