Top 5 Upcoming 6th generation dangerous Fighter jets - Militaryworld

 Top 5 Upcoming 6th generation Fighter jets

Top 5 Upcoming 6th generation dangerous Fighter jets

Friends, so far five generations of fighter jets have arrived. Each new generation of aircraft is better than the previous generation in every way. And new and innovative technologies are used in every generation.
At this time many countries of the world are equipped with second generation aircraft to fifth generation aircraft. But some countries have not Fifth Generation aircraft. However, Fifth Generation aircraft have just hit the market and now Sixth Generation aircraft is coming very soon.
So far, all the generations of aircraft that have come have brought with them some or the other technology. But it is not yet known what new technology the sixth generation aircraft will bring. It will be known only when they come.
However, today we are going to talk. Some of the upcoming sixth generation aircraft . 
So let's get started.



India Fifth Generation Fighter is working on Jet Hall-AMC. But India also plans to have the sixth generation capabilities in this fighter jet. And the research for this aircraft has been completed. this fighter jet first flight is expected in 2025.And its introduction is expected from 2030 to two 2035.
Specification of this jet in 6th generation

Speed : Mach 2.1 (1611.27 mph)
Operational Range : 1,750
Nautical miles And it will be armed with all kinds of weapons.
These will include laser-guided bombs, Astra Mark 1,2, 3  Air to Air Missile and Bramos NG Air to Air missile.



Japan is working on a fifth generation aircraft called the Mitsubishi F-X, and unofficially Mitsubishi called F3.
The prototype of this project will be ready in 2024. While its test drives are expected in 2028 and regular manufacturing will start by 2031.

FX Features in 6th Generation :-

Stealth Technology
Plasma Stealth Antina Which will be used to defy radio waves. Which will make it more difficult to detect the plane.
This aircraft has already been given a Nick name. Which is Godzilla. And so far no official specs have been announced. However, some experts say that this jet is going to be bigger than the F-22 and will be capable of carrying more missiles than the US F-35.

3 - MIG 41


Russia is also working on a sixth generation aircraft. This Named after Macon Park DP and Meg41.This project is considered the fifth plus plus and sixth generation jet .This is a stealth interceptor aircraft.
It is said that its speed will go up to Mach 4 and that Russia will replace the Mig 31 which has a speed of almost Mach 3.
The design of the Mag41 was completed in the 2019 and since the 2021 it has entered into development.

Features in MIG 41
Missile system intercept Which will also intercept the Hyper missile.
It is being said that this aircraft will be put into mass production in 2025.

4 - F/XX


The US Air Force regularly uses cutting edge technology. In the race of the sixth generation, this plane seems less reality and more fantasy. The United States calls this program the F8 Double X, which will be a multiple fighter. The highlight of this aircraft is that it will have a high energy razor system. Which will tear other targets and jets to pieces.
This plane is about to come to light in 2030.


UK-United Kingdom

Friends, UK is also working on a sixth generation jet, dubbed the Tempest. This jet will also be introduced up to 2035. According to a report, 2025 billions of dollars will be spent on this program. The special feature of the templates is that it will be able to control jet drones. In addition, it will be equipped with modern radars. And will be able to get up without a pilot.

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