Why Pakistan Cancelled Al-Khalid 1 Tanks Production || MILITARYWORLD

 Why Pakistan Cancelled Al-Khalid 1 Tanks Production and Expands VT-4 Tank Deal with TOT 

Why Pakistan Cancelled Al-Khalid 1 Tanks Production

In 2017, Pakistan signed an agreement with China to buy 300 tanks. Which are 3rd generation VT- 4 tanks. Pakistan got the initial batch of these tanks. Which were 176 tanks. But now the news is coming that Pakistan has increased this deal of VT-4 tanks from China. Now Pakistan will buy another 160 VT-4 tanks from China. Most of which will be collected in HIT of Pakistan. Along with this, Pakistan will also get the technology of transfer of VT-4 tank, which will make it possible for Pakistan to start making it itself. 
After acquiring the technology, HIT will first manufacture the 110 VT-4 upgraded tanks itself. After which the number of these tanks will be 570. While the intention of Pakistan Army is to make their number up to 700.
And the other news is this. That Pakistan Army has stopped the production for the second batch of 
Al Khalid 1 tank. And the first batch of it was obtained by Pak Army. It consisted of 110 tanks. Which will be upgraded. While the development of Al-Khalid-2 tank is still under review. And this is expected. That its technology and infrastructure will be merged with the VT-4 tank being developed by HIT.

Apart from this, the new VT-4 tanks are being ordered. A major part of it will be given to the Sixth Armored Division of the Pak Army, Gujranwala. Which will be 300 units. While 80 tanks will be given to 
1 corps.
VT-4 are third generation tanks. Which are slowly making their place in the market with better protection, mobility and armament. It has been bought by Thailand, Nigeria and Pakistan.


Height : 2.30 m
Mass : 52 tones
Engine : Turbocharged diesel engine; 1,300 hp (969 kW)
Armor: Explosive reactive armor (ERA) and composite armor
Crew : 3 (commander, driver, gunner)
In service : 2017-present
Remember these are the Specification of the first time, Pakistan will upgrade this tank by making many changes. Pakistan will buy this tank and upgrade it by making many changes.

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