2022 : France Military full power Strength - Militaryworld

  2022 France Military Strength

France is the 6th most dangerous country in the world. 

France is a nuclear power since the 1990s, its military action is most often seen in cooperation with NATO and its European partners. France is one of the nine countries with nuclear weapons. 

France has more than 453,000 troops. Of which there are more than two lakh active personnel and 183,220 reserve personnel.

Let's know the strength of the France Army in detail.

Active Personals:-

Reserve Personals:-

Total Personals:-

Land Forces:-

Total Tanks:-

Armored Vehicles:-

Self-Propelled Artillery:-

Towed Artillery:-

Rocket Projector:-

Naval Power:-

Total Assets:-

Total Air-Craft Carriers:-
Total Destroyers:-

Total Frigates:-

Total Corvette:-

Total Submarines:-

Total Patrol-ships:-

Total Mine Ware-fare:-

Air-Force Power:-

Total Strength:-

Total Fighters Aircraft's:-

Total Dedicated Attack Air crafts:-

Total Transports:-

Total Trainer Air crafts:-

For Special Mission Fighting Aircraft:-

Total Helicopters:-

Total Fighting Helicopters:-

 Total of France Defense Budget:-
          $41,500,000,000 US Dollars

 External Dept :-
          $5,360,000,000,000 US Dollars

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