How to Join ISI - Militaryworld

How to Join ISI (Inter-Services-Intelligence) ?

How to become  ISI agent ?

How to Join Pakistan Intelligence agency (ISI)

Inter services intelligence i.e. ISI is the largest intelligence agency of Pakistan. It provides national security and intelligence assessment to the government of Pakistan. It is the largest of Pakistan's three intelligence services. Apart from I-S-I, Pakistan also has Intelligence Bureau I-B and Military Intelligence M-I. These inter-services intelligence tops the list number one of the world's intelligence agencies.

Now let's talk about how to become an agent of the I-S-I ?

The way to join I-S-I is not as strict as we think. But it requires some proper way to enter. In which we will guide all the candidates who want to join I-S-I Pakistan. All candidates who want to be a part of I-S-I Pakistan can join this agency as an officer or agent. It all depends on your intelligence.

There are two ways to join I-S-I.

1 - Indirect way

2 - Direct way

Indirect way :

These are indirect ways of joining I-S-I Pakistan. If your education is Pre Engineering or Pre Medical or F-S-C. So join the Armed Forces of Pakistan. These Armed forces can be Army, Navy and Air Force. In other words, the first condition in Indirect Way is that you should be recruited as a soldier or officer in an institution of Pakistan Armed Forces. After all the basic examinations for joining the Armed Forces of Pakistan, you will be selected for inclusion in the I-S-I. And on then you will be sent to Inter Services Intelligence School, where you will need to complete the course. And you will be deployed as Field Intelligence Units (F-I-U).If you perform well throughout this course, it will be enough to satisfy your seniors. That is, if you do, you will become a permanent part of I-S-I.

Direct way :

This method is for all citizens who want to join I-S-I. Candidates (F-P-S-C) issue notices in newspapers. The Inter Services Agency has issued vacancies of its departments. The applicant is then called and tested. Candidates are tested for creativity and intelligence. Which consist of MCQ's. Most of the subjects in this test are Urdu, English and current affairs. When a candidate passes the written test, then he is required to appear for the psychological test. Such tests include the image drawing ,sentence completion test and others.

All the candidates who had passed this psychological test. Will be appearing for the final interview again. This method is not only for F-S-C students but also the master students along with the graduation students can be a part of I-S-I. And everyone has to go through this process.

So these are the ways to join the I-S-I. Hope you find these methods helpful.

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